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Hello, I am C. Michael Prater. Family and friends call me mike. I hope you will want to do the same after reading this book. I have been blessed to have many friends, family and brothers and sisters in Christ who have been a strong encouragement to me. I love telling stories especially those that I can share from the Bible. My story telling abilities enabled me to parallel my research on the Prater family. Thomas Prater came to America as an indentured servant in 1622 and was part of the Virginia espansion. His life was less adventurous than our main character, but I can imagine what it would be like to grow up in England, set sail for America over ocean waters he had never seen before, and begin a life in a wilderness far from the ones he loved.

Unlike today, there was no turning back to England. Few if any could afford it. Many had nothing to go back to. Eventually, Thomas's brother stood against Oliver Cromwell and died. I still don't know if Thomas ever fount out.

I purposedly wrote this book as an educational story. I lived in England while in the military and still think of my time there. There houses built